The Company Origins
I’ve been collecting toy soldiers for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, my father used to bring home amazing box sets of army men. We’d play war together for hours. Those moments are some of my fondest memories. In those days, I didn’t much care what brand my father brought home for me. He’d give me cheap army men from the dollar store, or expensive luxury toy soldiers, and everything in between. All that mattered to me was I that I had tons of toy soldiers ready to fight for my various armies. It turned out my fascination with miniature army men ran in the family, because one of my Brazilian uncles had a large collection too.

Sometimes, when my family brought me to Brazil to visit our relatives, I’d hang out with my cousin at my uncle’s house, and we’d set up those toy soldiers in homebrew wargame scenarios. My uncle even went the extra mile to paint his toy soldiers, which inspired me to start painting my own. I still have some of the first models I ever painted from when I was a little kid.
One of my brothers eventually introduced me to stop motion animation, and I had the bright idea of creating war films using my toy soldiers. I still remember the first camera my father bought me, a low quality run of the mill camera from radio shack, which my childhood friends and I used to film our plastic soldiers fighting in make believe battles.
The passion for all aspects of the toy soldier hobby grew inside me with every passing year. There’d be times where one thing or another would pull me away from the hobby, but just like the north star, my green army men were right there, faithfully awaiting my return.
A few decades later, and I’m still one of the biggest fans of toy soldiers in the world, and I probably will be for the rest of my life. If you’re here, you probably will be too.
The Toy Soldier Central Mission

Our website intends to serve as your hub for all toy soldier and plastic army men related topics. Toy soldiers and army men are small yet mighty, and we do our very best to match their mightiness through the caliber of our content. Here, you’ll find a vast array of subjects all relating to the hobby of toy soldier collecting.
Toy Soldier Central began producing their own line of 3D printed toy soldiers in January of 2024. These high quality miniatures represent the newest age of toy soldier production. We intend to leave a legacy of toy soldiers that lasts longer than our lifetimes. You can purchase our luxury miniatures on the Toy Soldier Central store page.
We also aim to answer any question you might have about toy soldiers. Whether it’s “how to paint toy soldiers,” or “how to create army men dioramas,” or figuring out “what are the best toy soldier brands,” we here at Toy Soldier Central will ensure that our mission to bring you the best toy soldier related content is completed.
We serve you as experts and specialists in the field of miniature toy soldiers. We offer miniature painting services, and various toy soldier related tutorials and how-to guides. We offer premium miniature painting courses so you can become a master mini painter. Or, you can have us paint your toy soldiers to save you the time. All of these painted army men related products and services are available on our miniature painting services page.
The final objective of Toy Soldier Central is to serve as a toy soldier story teller. This objective is accomplished via toy soldier central’s battle reports and plastic army men YouTube videos.
Both The Hobbyist (AKA Luciano) and Toy Soldier Central have established themselves as trusted sources for miniature hobby-related content. Their expertise and knowledge shine through in their articles, tutorials, and reviews, which cover a wide range of topics.

Their commitment to providing high-quality and engaging miniature hobby content has earned them a spot as one of the leading contributors to the miniature hobby tutorials directory.
The guides and tutorials produced by Toy Soldier Central align perfectly with the network’s mission of fostering creativity and community within the hobby. Their contributions have enriched the network’s offerings, providing hobbyists with a wealth of resources and ideas to explore
From painting techniques and model assembly tips to terrain building and army showcase features, they have created a valuable resource for hobbyists of all skill levels.
The contributions of The Hobbyist and Toy Soldier Central have not gone unnoticed within the miniature hobby community. Their articles and tutorials, published by the miniature hobby tutorials directory, have garnered praise and appreciation from fellow hobbyists, who have found inspiration, guidance, and helpful insights in their content.
About The Hobbyist
The Hobbyist, aka Luciano, is a 25 year old toy soldier painter and collector. He loves playing piano, exercising, and reading ghost stories in his spare time.

When he isn’t around his army men, he can be found watching horror movies with his wife and playing wargames with his son.
Luciano’s favorite miniature toy soldiers are from the Forces Of Valor line. He celebrates them for their professional pre-painted soldiers, and their inclusion of immersive terrain pieces. He also holds Fishel army men as another personal favorite.
Finally, a noteworthy trivia about Luciano: he has a loose acquaintanceship with George R.R. Martin, the creator of “Game Of Thrones.” This is a result of their shared affinity for miniature toy soldiers. Thus, you can find Toy Soldier Central as one of the few websites displayed on the “links for collectors” page on George’s official website.
Have you ever wondered why The Hobbyist wears a mask in all his photos and videos? It’s because he wants the focus of Toy Soldier Central to be the army men figures themselves. He also prefers the charm of mystery and anonymity, however, he may choose to reveal his face in the future…