“War, war never changes.”
Ulysses S. Grant
Welcome to the review of the “You Will Emerge” Fallout Video Game toy soldier bag set, from the Nanoforce line of Emce Toys. This bag of toy soldiers proudly features a diverse variety of creatures and characters from one of the most beloved video game series out there – Fallout. We’ll be going over their quality level, the pros and cons of the figures, and highlighting all the details of these fallout toy soldiers that you need to know about before you buy them.
But before you get started, it’s important to know just what the Fallout series is all about. Our friend Andrew at Tangible Day can give you the run down on the fallout video game series through this link!
Table of Contents
The New Yet Forgotten History Of Fallout Toy Soldiers
The figures found in this bag set are modeled specifically to look like characters from the series’ most recent entry – fallout 76. The company that made these figures are called “Emce Toys,” and these fallout toy soldiers are a prominent feature of their nanoforce line of miniature soldiers.
Emce Toys was founded by “Paul ‘Dr. Mego’ Clarke,” and “Joe Sena” of Spherewerx Micromedia. Their toy production philosophy differs from other companies, and according to an inside source, they are quoted as “not simply wanting to bring back cool toy soldiers, they want to bring back toy soldiers, period.”
Emce Toys has a vast product lineup, including night of the living dead toy soldiers, Star Trek Toy soldiers, Aliens & Colonial Marines toy soldiers, and they even have a collaboration agreement with Mattel toys. Although the Emce Toys website is currently defunct, they are still actively producing these fallout toy soldier bag and box sets under the Nanoforce line.
You can grab these sets from a couple, reputable resellers, and I’ll be linking these sets throughout this review to help guide your search, if you decide to pick up a bag of these apocalyptic bad boys for yourself.
I personally prefer the bag sets, because although the box sets come with some unique one-off characters, like Liberty Prime and Super Mutant Behemoths, they also come with plenty of bloat figures, like the Vault-Boy minis, and molds of the plasma gun.
If you want to get a second perspective on how cool these miniatures are, I recommend checking out what our friend Andrew from Tangible Day had to say about this set!
Now, without any further ado, let me show you why this bag set in particular is worth your hard earned money.
First Impressions Of The Nanoforce You Will Emerge Fallout Bag
You’ll first notice the classic Fallout themed cartoony art style on the bag decals, which features some of the creatures and characters you can expect in your set.

After you rip off the bag’s art cover, you’ll realize this is an unusual toy soldier bag, because unlike any other bag of toy soldiers I’ve ever purchased, these Fallout toy soldiers are sealed in a zip-lock bag! I commend Emce Toys for this additional, nice touch.
General Overview Of The Nanoforce Fallout Toy Soldiers
This bag set comes with a generous grand total of 24 figures, and my bag in particular came with 10 different poses, from 5 separate Fallout factions.
I can’t guarantee you’ll receive the same soldiers I got in my bag, however, this is a general overview of the type of soldiers you could expect to find in your particular bag of plastic toy soldiers.
My figures & factions included:
Robots | Cryptids | Super Mutants | Brotherhood Of Steel | Vault Dwellers |
3 Mr. Handy Robots 3 Protectron Toy Soldiers |
2 Wendigos 2 Mole Miners 1 Jersey Devil |
2 Super Mutant Overlords 2 Super Mutant Berserkers |
3 Brotherhood Of Steel Paladins |
3 Male Vault Dwellers 3 Female Vault Dwellers |
I love the variety of the factions included in this little bag set. You really get a lot of diversity and bang for your buck with these soldiers, and you really could create your own little piece of the wasteland with what you get from this set. However, I do wish that we got to see some more pose variations within the different factions. But, for the fair price I’ve seen people pay for these bag sets, I certainly can’t complain.
To top this all off with a cherry on top, I also rarely ever see any official Fallout toy soldier sets out on the market! The only other ones I can think of are the “power armor battle set,” by Shield Wall, all the cool fallout sets coming from Modiphius and their “Wasteland Warfare” sets, and some independent etsy 3d printing companies.
Based on the rarity factor alone, I give this set a 9 out of 10 for their variety and uniqueness score.
Quality of the Nanoforce Fallout Toy Soldiers Plastic Material
The plastic over-all is soft and malleable, yet strong and firm. I applied a decent amount of force to these figures, and they did bend, however, none of them snapped, which is amazing! Especially considering the lower-end price point. That malleable plastic should make modifying these figures really easy.
When handling the figures, you’ll recognize that the minis have a weighty feel to them! They feel strong and sturdy – you won’t have any trouble standing these roamers of the apocalypse.
Emce Toys also did a spectacular job with the scaling and thickness of these Fallout toy soldiers – they match the actual characters from the video game series. The vault dwellers are the smallest and thinnest out of all the figures in the set, but they aren’t frail and aren’t comically dwarfed by any of the bigger characters. They also feel just as strong as the bulkiest figures. These are really well made miniatures. You can watch an in-depth video on the Toy Soldier Central YouTube channel that showcases their quality, by clicking this link.
Scale Breakdown Of The Fallout Miniatures
Each of these miniatures stand at a height ranging between a minimum of 4.5 centimeters (1.75 inches) tall, to a maximum of 5.5 centimeters (2.25 inches) tall. These measurements were taken from the bottom of the base to the top of the head. That would place these miniatures squarely in the 45-55 millimeter range, and between the 1/32 and 1/40 range scale.
If you’re interested in replacing the bases for these minis, I’d recommend using circular bases of either 25mm, 28mm, 30mm, or 32mm, depending on which figure’s base you’d like to replace.
Detail Level Of The Fallout Army Men
If we focus on the quality and details of the figures themselves, we’ll find they have simplistic designs, but still boast enough detail to get you to appreciate the figures. Even looking at them in their unpainted form is so satisfying. Although they’re far from being games workshop level miniatures, they are still a large step above classic toy soldier brands like Tim Mee, and they have an above satisfactory amount of detail present to give you a certain level of love for the figures.
However, there are some downsides to their detail level too. Just off the gate, you’ll see some of these miniatures have minor plastic flashing lines.
Not only that, but both the male and female vault dwellers have faces that lack depth and detail. They almost give that flat faced, no detail impression you might find on some dollar store soldiers.
And this baby faced super mutant definitely isn’t doing this set any favors either.
Overall though, I am satisfied with how clean and cool the majority of these figures look. Even the 1 year old, baby face super mutant looks intimidating… from a distance!
Still, when you see the figures up close, you can appreciate the details they do come with. The super mutant has apocalyptic armor, with battle damage. The vault dwellers sport those classic American hair-cuts from post-war America in the fallout video games.
Because of everything I said in the last couple sections, on a scale of 0 to 10, I give the nanoforce fallout toy soldiers a 6 out of 10 in terms of their quality and detail.
The Price Of This Miniature Set
From a cost standpoint, I have to be honest…
I got these plastic army men for free from a good friend of mine that lives down the road. However, I’d pay the $20 for a bag of these toy soldiers in a heart beat!
For the fair price of about 20 bucks, give or take an extra couple for shipping, you’ll get 24 spectacular, one-of-a-kind fallout themed toy soldiers. That’s a solid deal on your hands!
If you want to buy this exact bag set from eBay, click here.
On the scale of 0 to 10, I give them a solid 7 for their price.
My Personal Opinion On The Nanoforce Fallout Toy Soldiers
These guys are just f**king cool, commander. Just look at them all side by side!
I absolutely love these figures. For me, they look awesome, and just having them here in my posession brings me back wonderful childhood memories of playing Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas, for endless hours, without a care in the world…
Wow, okay, now that was a trip down tranquility memory lane. Yeah, I love these toy soldiers. They may not be the most super high quality, intricately detailed figures out there, but they definitely hit the sweet spot for me, so, I’m giving this set a straight up 10 out of 10 in the category of my personal opinion.
Conclusion Of The Fallout Toy Soldier Bag Set By Emce Toys
Let’s recap the scores so far.
Variety & Uniqueness | Quality & Detail | Cost | My Personal Score | Total Score |
9 / 10 | 6 / 10 | 7 / 10 | 10 / 10 | 32 / 40 |
These toy soldiers scored a solid 80% with the total score of all their categories, earning The Hobbyist’s, and Toy Soldier Central’s, official “B Grade Endorsement,” making this set of fallout toy soldiers, a pretty darn good set of plastic army men.
Where To Buy Nanoforce Fallout Toy Soldiers
If you’ve recognized the value and awesomeness of these toy soldiers after reading my review, and wanna buy a set for yourself, check out these helpful links.
To buy this exact bag set from eBay, click here.
To buy similar Fallout Toy Soldier bag and box sets by Emce Toys from eBay, click here.
To buy similar Fallout Toy Soldier bag and box sets by Emce Toys from Amazon, click here.